Team Cabina Veintiuno

eric_armadilloEric Wahlstom
(AKA: Chico Gordo en un Pequeño Abrigo)
Game Designer

6′ 6″, 350#

Day job: moving large heavy things from one place to another.

Favorite color: Blue……..Yelloooooooow.

Favorite Hypothetical Situation: If I had $1,000,000 we wouldn’t have to eat Kraft dinner, but we would eat Kraft dinner.

el_aguila_patrioticaRyan Loghry
(AKA: El águila Patriótica)

5’7″, 185# (201# when the wife is expecting)

Day Job: Illustrating children’s books and amusing the humans with goofy drawings. See his amazing works at

Favorite Passtimes: Loving freedom. Baseball. My family.

Heroes: Jesus, Han and Indy (it’s a tie), any of our founding fathers, my dad.

Steve KuhnSteve Kuhn
(AKA: Larguirucho Hombre de Barba)
Graphic Designer

6′ 2″, 165# (180# in December)

Day Job: Lead Designer at KUHN Design Group (yes, you can hire him to make your stuff pretty as well!)

Astronomical Sign: Death Star

Special Move: Kern Tu Cara Fuera (Kern Your Face Off)